Cell Phones and Auto Insurance

We all know in Connecticut, or we should know, using your cell phone while driving is illegal. A cell phone in use during driving is dangerous and can lead to catastrophic outcomes; you do not need me to lecture you, the commercials are out there for that. I am here to tell you about the penalties regarding insurance. Let us see the monetary cost of a ticket:
-Cost of the original ticket
-damages to car if applicable
-damages to other cars if applicable
-health care costs
-insurance deductible (amount you pay before the insurance company pays out)
-rising insurance rates
Now that is a large bill to pay, sometimes upwards of $200,000 depending on the accident. But let us dive deeper into the last one on the list, insurance is based on statistics and you are more likely to get into a crash; costing the company money if you use your cell phone. So getting a ticket for cell phone use, speeding, or in an accident proves to insurance companies that you are more of a risk than before you received this entity. Now your monthly insurance rates will go up, to see how this can affect your individual policy go to ioninsurance.com or call 203.439.2815 today!