Distracted Driving – Leave the multi-tasking behind the desk, not the wheel!

Driving is a task most of us do on a daily basis – we drive to work, to school, to our local grocery stores.  With all of this practice, we should be pretty decent drivers.  So what gives?  If it isn’t due to our lack of driving skills, then it must have something to do with our low attention spans!
Distracted driving is the leading cause in 80% of all automobile accidents.  Some types of distraction include cell phone use, passengers, eating, playing with the radio, smoking, and rubbernecking.
As our society becomes increasingly tech-savvy, it should be no surprise that the leading type of distraction is due to cell phone use.  According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, a person is four times more likely to be involved in an accident while on their cell phone, and twenty times more likely to have an accident or infraction while texting.  A text message can take a driver’s attention off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds.  At 55 mph, it is the equivalent to traveling the length of a football field! (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration)
Staying focused behind the wheel and avoiding distractions will without a doubt lessen the chance of an accident. Be aware, be alert and be an advocate against distracted driving.
Keeping yourself safe is a top priority; contact the professionals at Ion Insurance today for an auto quote designed to fit your needs.