National Traffic Awareness Month
August is national traffic awareness month! It should occur to you that you should be aware of traffic at all times, but let us reinforce it a little bit. As you are crossing the street everyone knows that you are supposed to look both ways, but I say take extra precautions. Is your life really not worth the extra 3 seconds it takes to look twice each way instead of one.
Here are some more helpful tips:
-Run against flow of traffic
-Bike with the flow of traffic
– Try to stay on sidewalk and only traverse streets at crosswalks
-Cross near straight parts of road so a car is not caught off guard around a corner
-When driving go slow around corners and high people dense areas
-Go slow through parking lots
-Do not play in traffic
-If you can dodge a car you can dodge a ball but do not try it
-Always look while crossing, do not use your phone, or eat
-When a light is green slow enough to make sure no one is crossing the crosswalk
-For right on red make sure no one is crossing
-Use your natural instincts while driving and walking to be safe
In a situation where something bad happens be sure to be covered for:
-Uninsured motorists
-Your car
Do not hesitate to cover yourself as to protect the ones you cherish, and be safe in traffic to ensure that your insurance does not have to be put to use. Although insurance is necessary for the most part it is a good thing if you do not have a claim.
For any questions regarding insurance call 203.439.2815. Ion Insurance has experienced agents with helpful tips on any and all types of insurance. We are 11 years in business and have the necessary tools to make sure you are covered to the right extent.