Tips on Traveling with Kids

When I was little my brother and I would walk so slowly and be extremely lackadaisical in Airports. We had to get to security 2 hours early or we would never make our flight, but then a change occurred. We started bringing our razor scooters to ride through the airport, suddenly Mom and Dad became the slow pokes and we could make a trip with greater ease.
The message is to always find something to keep your children entertained and busy while on vacation, kids get bored. Do not make everyday a beach day; MIX IT UP! Have fun events planned in the future to give them something to look forward too. Let each child have a day were they choose their own activity. As a parent be sure to include your kids in activities that you and your spouse are doing. If you really are itching to be left alone from your children on vacation Do Not get a babysitter or send them to a kids night. Let them bring a friend on vacation or find an activity the want to do that is supervised by someone other than yourself.
Vacations are an important family bonding experience. Remember when……. Just like How……. When we were in……….. That was the best vacation ever. You are creating lasting memories with your family, do not leave your kids out of these good times. Try to include everyone and if they do not like the activity do not force them to try it that only create grumpy children, and that is never fun.
As a parent you have to decide if your financials, time off, and other complications work out to be able to leave on a get-away. If you have the choice between a new car and  a vacation I strongly suggest you pick the vacation. Memories create for a happy person than materialistic possessions, teach your children this by taking them to Disneyland instead of buying them a television to watch it on.