Internet Pricing with Local Personal Service

Did you know that we offer very competitively priced Term Life Insurance? The airways are cluttered these days with ads for free internet life insurance quoting services. The implication is that you will get special lower rates. But, the truth is that their rates are no better than what’s available through Ion Insurance, your local personal insurance agency. So for the same plans with the same rates from the same companies you can have personalized service from the agency you’ve come to know and trust with your other insurance needs.
A simple, low-cost, Term Life Insurance plan can remove the financial anxiety that the loss of a breadwinner would pose. The cost to insure your family’s security has actually fallen precipitously over the last decade. Can you name any other goods or services that have done that?
At Ion Insurance we represent many of the nation’s most highly ranked life insurance companies. Please review these sample rates and give us a call for a free consultation about your unique needs and a quote that is tailored to meet them.