After Eating that Delicious Honey Baked Ham Make Split Pea Soup

This blog is the first in a regular weekly series of cooking ideas for the upcoming weekend.   At home, the smell of great food in the house always adds a measure of comfort and culinary anticipation to our weekends.   Sometimes the largest challenge for us is deciding what to make and we have a solution for our home and yours too.
My brother-in-law, Steve Dunn, is the author of a great website,, and his recipes that focus on foods that benefit your body, community and encourage quality family time will be the main supplier of our weekly food suggestions.  First let’s have Steve introduce himself:
      Oui, Chef” exists as an extension of my efforts to teach my kids a few things about cooking, and how their food choices over time effect not only their own health, but that of our local food communities and our planet at large.  By sharing some of our cooking experiences, I hope to inspire other families to start spending more time together in the kitchen, passing on established familial food traditions, and starting some new ones.  My desire in the end is not just to enhance my young sous chefs’ culinary skills and their level of environmental awareness, but to broaden their palettes as well.”
Welcome and thank you Steve for allowing me to use your recipes for our new weekly food feature.  Because this weekend is Easter and we are hosting our families with a Honey Baked Ham I thought a good split pea soup recipe was in order.  This recipe is titled “Ad Hoc’s Split Pea Soup” on Oui Chef and this is what Steve says about it:
I received Keller’s latest cookbook, Ad Hoc at Home for my birthday in September, and upon my first reading, decided that when the time was right, Boris and I would make his split pea soup with ham hock, fresh peas and mint, as it looked to be an excellent interpretation of the classic soup.
Wow, sure looks good.  So, if you too, are having ham for Easter and like the idea of a delicious Split Pea Soup after dinner this recipe is a winner.  We will be making this at our home Sunday night.
Follow this link to get details on ingredients and methods:
Happy Easter to all!