Ion Insurance Donates to the Spanish Community of Wallingford

We presented the Spanish Community of Wallingford with a check for $1,685, which was raised from our Quotes for a Cause program in the third quarter of 2019. This program was created to help local Connecticut charities every quarter by making a donation of $5 for every new insurance quote provided. A different local charity is selected each quarter.
The Spanish Community of Wallingford assists Latino individuals and families to succeed in their new home, the United States of America.
“Ion Insurance is very excited to participate in the Quotes for a Cause program”, said David Drescher, President & CEO, Ion Insurance. “As a local insurance agency, we believe that giving to local non-profit organizations is a great way to thank the community for helping us become who we are today.”
Left to right: David Drescher, President & CEO of Ion Insurance, and Adriana Rodriguez, Interim Executive Director of the Spanish Community of Wallingford.