Life Insurance – Protect Those You Love
As you shop around for life insurance, there’s one key factor to keep in mind: Your policy isn’t directly for you. Rather, it’s to protect your loved ones in the event of emergencies or for years down the road. Think of the needs of your children, spouse or elder family members for both of the following situations. Financial…
The Best Type of Life Insurance
When it comes to choosing a life insurance policy, you will probably wonder which one is best. Like many types of insurance, life coverage has no single solution. Rather, the “best” policy is one geared toward your current and future situation. Consider the following options. Term Life Insurance Term life insurance is a fixed policy….
Life Insurance in Your 20s
For most people in their 20s, life insurance is off the radar. Finding meaningful employment, paying off student loans and getting a decent place to live tend to be more important. Yet, based on several factors, now is the right time to think about a policy. Whether you purchase individual life insurance or group coverage…
The Difference Between Group and Individual Life Insurance
At some point, you will have the option to get life insurance through an employer or purchase a policy on your own. In either case, you’ll be presented with a conundrum: What’s the difference between group and individual life insurance? Generally, employers provide group life insurance policies. They’ll either cover the premium or offer it…
The Long Term Care Decision Journey
In the United States today, the need for long term care is greater than ever. Not only are people generally living longer, but many members of the baby boomer generation are quickly approaching the age of 60. As a result, our country’s elderly population will increase substantially in the years to come. As people age…