Benefits of Earning a Cannabis Business Certificate

It’s estimated that legal cannabis could bring in anywhere from $28 billion to $41 billion by 2028 in the United States alone. From growing and testing to retail, the cannabis industry has become a reliable source of employment in our evolving economy, generating about 50,000 to 100,000 new positions per state.

Yet it’s a common misconception that anyone can open a legal cannabis shop and expect to see money coming in right away. Whether for the medicinal or recreational sector, the legalized cannabis industry functions like any other, with regulations and requirements.

As such, cannabis business certificates have seen a surge in popularity from both for-profit institutions, specifically geared toward the industry, and non-profit colleges and universities adjusting their programs to the current marketplace.

If you’re looking to refine your knowledge as a current cannabis professional or are just getting started in the industry, here’s what you should know about these certificates.

What Is a Cannabis Business Certificate?

Cannabis business certificate programs started back in the 1990s. Today, they often cover:

  • The complexities of state-level legalization in the United States.
  • Essential skills for operating a legal cannabis business, including risk assessment, scaling, laws, regulations and tax information.
  • General knowledge of growing cannabis.
  • The differences between medical and recreational cannabis, including how marijuana is currently used to treat certain conditions.

Programs may be geared toward those who have a bachelor’s degree and want to focus their business knowledge on the cannabis industry while in other cases, these certificates pave the way toward a master’s program centered around medical marijuana.

Courses offered by for-profit programs are open to anyone and do not require a high school diploma. The purpose is to give those who have been criminalized for drug possession an edge in a familiar industry.

Why Earn a Cannabis Business Certificate?

For aspiring cannabis professionals, these certificate programs offer the following benefits.

Comprehensive Perspective of the Industry

Cannabis business certificate programs provide a holistic overview of the industry, even if you intend to focus on one area of the supply chain. From growing cannabis to retail and medicinal use, you will learn best practices in line with state-level laws and regulations, as well as how to get your business off the ground and find customers.

Stand Out When Entering the Industry

A legal cannabis business must fill several roles, including product-specific employees, human resources and marketing professionals.

Whether you’re recently graduated and entering the industry or looking to pivot from your current job to a dispensary chain, certificates highlight your overall knowledge of the field. This factor can help you stand out from other candidates without this background.

Beyond illustrating your interest and motivation, obtaining a cannabis business certificate is increasingly required for certain industry positions, particularly those in retail, safety and quality control.

Growing Your Cannabis Business

You might be thinking about opening a dispensary but need funding to grow, including partner entities for sourcing products. Having a certificate, along with your drive and business plan, can show investors that you’re knowledgeable about cannabis products and the industry landscape.

In addition to familiarizing yourself with the industry and developing a solid business plan, make sure you have adequate insurance coverage. Work with a HUB agent to explore the risks and ensure you have all essential forms of commercial insurance. To get started, contact us today.