4 Home Maintenance Ideas for Spring

With all the snow finally melting that can only mean one thing, spring is finally here! This is the time of year where homeowners are getting antsy to go outside and expel some of that pent up energy from being stuck inside all winter. Once the weather finally breaks and it’s not too cold to take care of your annual spring clean-up, there are a handful of things you should look over.  Here are a few suggestions.
Clean up the Yard
Taking the time to clean up the yard after a long winter is always near the top of most homeowners spring to do lists. Usually you’ll need to go around the yard and pick up various sticks and small branches as well as any leaves that might have been left when the snow began to fall.   The best way to go about doing this in my opinion is by picking up all the large items first then simply mowing the lawn. Not only do you pick up most of the leaves and smaller items, but you cut the grass at the same time. Depending on when you decide to do this, the grass may or may not need to be cut, so how you want to clean up your yard is entirely up to you.
Check Your Gutters
After the brutal winter we had, it would be a great idea to inspect your gutters. If you weren’t able to do so in the fall, you might be subject to gutters that might be clogged with leaves and other fallen debris causing inadequate drainage. If your gutters and downspouts were neglected in the fall, there is a chance they may be loose from all of the weight from snow and ice. If this is the case, they will more than likely need to be reinforced or completely replaced. If you are one of those who need to clean out your gutters, it might be smart to invest in a Gutter Guard. This will help reduce the amount of gutter cleaning you need to do in the future.
Since most basements are prone to dampness, it is always a good idea to look at the walls and possibly the floors for water damage and/or mold. All the snow we were graced with this winter is melting and may have found its way into your basement through possible cracks in your foundation or doorways (if you have a door leading outside from your basement). If you discover any moisture in your basement, it is highly recommended that you find the source and fix the problem to prevent future issues.   If there is a serious issue that needs to be repaired, you should consult a qualified professional.
Inspect the Air Conditioning
The thought of having the air conditioning on in March or April isn’t on the mind of most homeowners, but you should take the time to thoroughly inspect it before you want to use it. Most consider the air conditioning to be an inside the home maintenance item, but it is more important to make sure the unit outside your home is in good shape. There are a couple of ways to go about inspecting your air conditioning both on the inside and outside of your home.
While you are cleaning your yard, it is a good idea to clean whatever debris that might have accumulated in or on your air conditioning unit.   You can simply use a leaf blwer (if you have one) to blow all the dirt out of the unit. Once you clean the outside unit, it is suggested that you test the air out in your house to make sure it is still working like it’s supposed to.
With spring officially here we can finally get outside and start enjoying the weather. As a homeowner, cleaning up after winter is always a chore, but you’ll be happy after it’s finished.
Now is the perfect time to evaluate your current homeowners insurance policy. If you have any questions or are looking for a quote, contact the professionals at Ion Insurance today.