Tips for Snow Removal

After snowstorm “Juno” hit the northeast corner of the country, we all have to clean the mess it left behind. Although most of us did not get the amount of snow that was predicted, we still got enough that makes it a headache to take care of. Moving snow can be a real chore, but is something that needs to be done. These tips will help make moving all that snow much easier.
Clear Your Car off First
Before you set out on your mission to clean up the snow, it’s always a good idea to get the snow off of your car first. The reason for this is that it adds more snow to your driveway after you clean it, so it makes sense to put all the snow onto the driveway before actually shoveling so you don’t need to go back and do it again.
Not only does removing snow off your car help with cleaning your driveway, but it is also a safety precaution. It is very dangerous to drive with snow on your car not only for you, but other drivers on the road. If you drive with snow on top of your car it will go all over the place while you are moving and will cause visibility issues for drivers behind you. If you are caught with snow on top of your car you will receive a ticket, as it is a law to have your car clear of snow while driving. Please be courteous of other drivers on the road and take the snow off your car. It will keep you and other drivers safe, and you will not have to pay any potential fines.
Shovel the Driveway More Than Once
When we get a snow storm that is predicted to be more than a few inches, it is always a good idea to try and get out more than once to clear it. It is much easier to move a little amount of snow a few times compared to a lot of snow once. By moving smaller amounts of snow spread out over a period of time, not only will you have less snow to move each time, but it will be quicker to do. After snow has been falling for a while without being cleared, it gets heavier and harder to move. When snow piles up, it takes more effort to move and your chance of injury increases.
Use a Back-Saver Shovel
There are a couple types of snow shovels on the market today, and one of the more popular is the Back-Saver shovel. The Back-Saver type of shovel is not like the conventional style of shovel because it has a unique design. This type of shovel has a bent handle and puts less stress on your back compared to the standard straight handled style shovel. Although the Back-Saver shovel costs a little more than a standard shovel, it is well worth the added cost as it allows you to shovel without over-working your back.
Use a Snow Blower
This might seem obvious, but many people do not have a snow blower. I am a firm believer that in New England it is almost a requirement to own a snow blower. We usually get hit with a couple of big storms every year and shoveling a large amount of snow, especially with a big driveway gets old very fast. Although most snow blowers are quite costly ($500+), I think they are well worth it. I’ve had a good sized driveway my whole life, and have had to shovel it for years.   After getting a snow blower, I no longer despise going outside and clearing snow. If you are in the same boat you know what I’m talking about. Not only does using a snow blower allow you to move snow more efficiently, but also saves your back.   I don’t know about you, but to me that’s a win-win situation.
Since we live in New England, we have to deal with snow every year. They say the only guarantees in life are death and taxes, but I think we should add snow in the winter as well. Whenever it snows we have to clear it afterwards, and that sometimes can be a tall task depending on how much snow we actually get. These four tips can help you move all the snow we get in a more efficient fashion while putting less stress on your body.
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