Before and After the Storm

Before and After the Storm
The most important time to be prepared for a storm is beforehand. With hurricane season upon us, the best time to get ready is now. Here are several useful reminders on steps you can take to protect your home and belongings, and to begin the process of repair and/or replacement in case damage should occur. This information should be useful in managing your coverage and a potential claim with your Connecticut Homeowners Insurance
Protecting Your Property

  • Review your insurance coverage with us to ensure it is adequate and verify any windstorm deductibles.
  • Most hurricane damage is covered under standard CT Home Insurance policies, but it is important to insure your home and belongings to their full replacement value (the value they’re worth) at current values.
  • Flooding is generally not covered understandard Homeowners policies, so ask your Drescher Insurane Agency agent about flood insurance,which is underwritten by the federal government.
  • If you rent a house or apartment, ask us about Renters Insurance CT if you do not already have it.
  • Create an inventory of your possessions and store it in a secure place other than in your residence. If your belongings are damaged, this will help in filing a claim. Also consider photographing and/or videotaping the contents of your house to be able to provide a visual of your belongings. This will make the processing of your claim much easier and quicker.
  • Clear brush, and remove dead branches and trees to reduce the amount of burnable fuel or debris that could be moved by storm winds. Remove outdoor property that is not permanently in place.

If Your Home is Damaged

  • Take precautions for your personal safety and comply with the orders of local emergency officials.
  • Notify your insurance agent as soon as possible. Secure your premises before leaving and provide your agent with contact information.
  • Photograph property that is damaged and take information down regarding damaged property. Along with your inventory, these will help your agent and adjuster assess the damage for your claim.
  • Temporary repairs may be authorized to protect against more damage. Check with your agent. Keep all receipts for repair work done to your possessions and property.
  • If you do partake in making temporary repairs, be sure to engage only reputable contractors. If you are not positive of the credentials of a contractor contact your claims adjuster, Better Business Bureau, or local Chamber of Commerce referrals.