Common Insurance Risks for Restaurants

Some restaurant owners looking to cut costs often do so by reducing insurance expenses. In the short term, having that extra cash seems like a benefit, but what would you do if a fire happened in the kitchen or a customer got injured on your property? The lawsuits that typically follow can consume almost all…

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Understanding Contingent Coverage and Extra Expense

Have you ever thought about what would happen if a link in the supply chain of your business suddenly became undone, through a natural disaster-related event, closure or other delay? While business interruption coverage protects your business in the event of stalled operations, contingent business interruption and contingent extra expense assist you when a supplier…

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What You Should Know About Portable Fire Extinguishers

All commercial buildings are required to have a fire prevention strategy that includes addressing the flames in their early stages. Such solutions, often including a portable fire extinguisher, assist with putting out the blaze quickly before the fire department arrives. For a more efficient response, your workers should be trained on using such equipment. While portable…

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Workplace Safety Concerns for Summer

Particularly for industrial jobs, including construction, farming and manufacturing, employees are expected to operate heavy machinery at a fast pace in hot summer temperatures. However, when employers do not fully understand the hazards of working in sun and heat, several safety issues arise. As a result, employees could experience dangerous sun exposure, heat stroke or…

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Office Ergonomics

As a business owner, the well-being of your employees is of the utmost importance not only for minimizing insurance costs, but also for maintaining a healthy, productive work environment. Preventative measures against health issues can save you huge amounts of money in the long run by providing employees with proper equipment. According to OSHA, 34%…

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