Record Cold Weather-Precautions Against Hypothermia & Frostbite
Extreme cold can cause a number of health problems. Hypothermia and frostbite are just two of the health effects induced by cold weather. Hypothermia occurs when a person’s core body temperature is lower than 95°F. The condition is considered mild if a person’s core temperature is between 90 and 95°F. Victims of mild hypothermia may…
Breast Cancer Awareness
Just because the month of October is coming to an end does not mean we are not still going to care. being diagnosed with any form of cancer is a atrocious tragedy no one should ever have to go through. In October we provide extra support and awareness for breast cancer; Why does it have to be limited…
Connecticut Cares
Connecticut Cares Connecticut health Insurance is changing in a changing world. In Connecticut, rates for individual plans and small group health plans are filed with ConnectiCare at least once a year. ConnectiCare often reviews their rates and takes action when needed. They submit a new filing to the Insurance Department when it is needed. Rate…