Enjoy the Milestone!

Enjoy the Milestone!

May is graduation time for colleges all over the United States. It is a great celebration for the graduates and their families as they go out into the world and begin life on their own. I remember all the emotions that came with graduating, excitement, nervousness and a little bit of fearfulness. I was no longer a child but an adult who was ready to venture out and see what I can do for myself. My first goal was to find a place to live, a place to settle into and set off.

At 21 I didn’t really think of anything else besides finding a place to live and finding a job. I never thought through to the next day or even planned ahead longer than a couple hours. Now that I’m 27, not too much older but old enough to own a home and have a family, I definitely plan way in advance. I have homeowners insurance and car insurance and health insurance, all the things I never had given a second thought to when I graduated.

For the young adults who are getting out there they should be prepared with coverage’s to help keep them safe. Renters insurance is something graduates who are looking for a place to live should consider. This will keep them protected in case things go wrong. In CT renters insurance generally covers:

  • Personal Property
  • Personal Liability
  • Damage to your apartment

Being on your own is fun and an experience everyone should have before they settle down. Being young doesn’t mean you don’t need to have the coverage you deserve with renters insurance. Enjoy the milestone!