The Cost of a Power Loss to Your Small Business
Did you know a downed power line can cost a small business $3,000 a day? That is right $3,000 a day. When a natural disaster or other atmospheric phenomenon such as a hurricane, flood, or snow storm strikes in your area it is important to get your business up and running as quickly as possible. …
Removing and Preventing Ice Dam's On Your Home or Commercial Building
Yesterday at my weekly Business Networking International (BNI) meeting our electrical contractor, Kurt St. John of Powerhouse Electrical Services, spent his one minute commercial time speaking about Ice Dams that can occur on your home or commercial building. Kurt’s topic is especially important because here in CT we have been having one winter storm after the other and ice dams are forming…
Roof Damage
During a snow storm do you ever shovel and realize how heavy the snow is? Then look up and wonder how your roof is supporting all that weight? Well if you have you might want to start. Ice wedging from melting and freezing of snow causes damage to your house and can cost thousands in…
Architects, Engineers & General Contractors-Labor Force Indicator
The Hanover Insurance provided this unique Risk Management Tool: The Labor Force Indicator that can help you better understand whether there is enough labor to complete the job on time, and avoid construction delays that could lead to liability. A description of the line items and how each entry applies to your final determination is at…
Business Owners: OSHA 300A Form To Be Posted By February 1, 2014
Do you have more than ten employees? If your answer is yes, than your business may be required to comply with this new mandate from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) by February 1, 2014. (You may be exempt if you qualify as part of a low-risk industry classification listed via the hyper-link below.) With this new law, you…