Safety Tips for Shoveling Snow This Winter

If you’ve ever shoveled snow from a sidewalk or driveway, chances are you know the sensation of feeling sore afterwards. Studies have shown that shoveling is more than a demanding workout – it’s behind roughly 100 deaths per year. According to the American Heart Association, the exertion involved in moving heavy snow could result in…

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How to Stay Safe While Grilling

According to data from the National Fire Protection Association, grilling is responsible for 9,000 house fires each year and nearly 7,000 injuries.

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A Homeowner’s Guide to Hurricane Preparation

Hurricanes can be devastating, life-changing events. Make sure you check your homeowner’s policy for listed perils and purchase flood insurance.

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Buying & Renting Multi-Family Homes

You’ve likely heard the financial rewards of flipping houses or purchasing multi-family properties to rent out.

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Preparing for the Cold Weather

As winter approaches, many homeowners must think about how the cold weather will affect their home.

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