4 Risks of Renting to Pet Owners

Although it’s common to see apartment listings with a “No Pets!” disclaimer, 72 percent of renters have one. For dog and cat owners, such restrictions can limit available living options.  Yet for landlords and property owners, accommodating pets can be a complicated decision. You may rent a unit to someone who routinely cleans up after…

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Why You Need Flood Insurance Outside of High-Risk Areas

Homeowners who live away from the shoreline might assume they don’t need to carry flood insurance, yet even low to moderate-risk areas can be exposed to heavy rain, snowmelt and spring thaw. These events can trigger flooding that causes a degree of property damage. If you’re far from the coast, this scenario can catch you…

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How Snow Can Damage Your Roof

When it snows in New England, many homeowners are concerned about shoveling and deicing their driveways to prevent accidents. While the roof plays a very important role in the structure of a home, it’s often “out of sight, out of mind”. Yet forgetting about snow removal from the roof may result in ice dams, leaks…

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What Every Condo Buyer Should Know

As prices for single-family homes continue to climb, buyers may be tempted to shift their focus to condominiums. While condos are an alternative form of homeownership, the process of purchasing and maintaining your investment differs in several ways. Learn what you should anticipate, so you’re not surprised when applying for a mortgage or with upkeep…

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Does Homeowner’s Insurance Cover Solar Panel Windstorm Damage?

Residential solar panels have seen a recent surge in popularity, as more people consider the impact of their personal energy consumption on the planet. Long term, installation can help reduce your electricity bill and carbon footprint at home. Yet solar panels are not a set-it-and-forget-it solution. You will need to update your carrier regarding the…

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