Slippery When Wet

t is no doubt that slippery surfaces are all around us. Why do you think the wet floor sign is so popular? These areas are potential hazards to everyone walking on or near them. Customers and employees may be injured by falling injuries.

According to the U. S. Department of Labor, slips, trips and falls make up a majority of industry accident. This includes 15% of all accidental deaths. Most trips, slips and falls can be prevented.

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It’s Not Over

 After a disaster has occurred the danger is not necessarily over. Rebuilding and fixing power lines and other dangers will take time. There are certain precautions and steps to fallow to make sure you not only survive the disaster but have your peace of mind after the event.

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During the Disaster

During a catastrophic event you will always want to remember a few things in order to stay alive. For one thing be someplace safer that coordinates with the disaster at hand. For example, if an earthquake is coming you would hide under something solid like a desk or a table. You would want to hide somewhere completely different in the case of a flood; chose your safe zone carefully. Be sure you have a kit stored away with essentials incase you are stuck for several days.

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Plan an Evacuation Plan

Getting out of a dangerous situation is imperative. Natural instincts kick in and adrenaline rushes to the body. You feel nervous but you must remember your plan. If you do not have one you may find yourself lost without direction. Creating a plan is simple and will help you survive situations from fires to evacuations.

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Creating a Survival Kit

Preparing a survival kit may sound like something from TV, but it is actually a useful idea for everyone. Think if you are stranded from home for 3-7 days what you will need? Things such as Epi Pens for allergies are essential to have ready to go. If an evacuation is necessary you want to make sure you have everything you need.

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